Flight school


We invite everyone, who wants to learn to fly a paraglider


• Training duration —– from 10 days

• Number of trainee per a group —– 4 or 6

• The training passes in accordance with the 2-nd level of PARA PRO standard approved by FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale), or it’s equivalent the 3-rd task of “Curriculum flight training” КУЛП СД – 88 requirements

• The training includes both theoretical and practical (flights) courses that are taught in parallel

• Only adults can be involved in training

• Training is open to all individuals having an adequate health

• At the end of training course a qualification certificate (national) is granted to pilots

• The cost of a training course is AMD 250.000

• The renting fee of the training flight equipment for a day (Paraglider, with all required accessories together) is AMD 5000 (the trainee may participate in the education process with his/her own paragliding equipment, if it corresponds to the requirements of the educational process)

for detailed information feel free to contact us